Some Popular Events In Alabama


Montgomery is the spot that is known for its rich historical background and castles. It attracts thousands of visitors every year, who came here to spend their vacation. The city economy also depends on the visitors and travel industry. So, to attract the more and more visitors people and the government always try to do something new and interesting. During whole year you will find the event calendar is Full of Events In Alabama and street shows. In this blog you will find a list of some events celebrated here in Montgomery:

1. Stump the Librarian This event is organized at Hoover Public Library,where the crowd takes out the chit of question from a box and ask that question from a librarian, if s/he unable to answer then the questioner will get a gift from one of the friends of librarian.

2. The great Gatsby new years eve ball, It is a two day eve that is held on 1st and 2nd of the new year and where famous Dj’s play the music and crowd enjoys the dance and drinks.

3. Annual Living Nativity, In this event the participants take part in the drive of nativity to experience the recreation of the first Christmas.

4. At the Cathedral Church of Advent, there is an event held where readings and singing hymns and choral anthems is done by the Cathedral Choirs, to celebrate the birth of Lord Jesus Christ.

These are some bit of events from the Bunch of Events In Alabama celebrated at Montgomery.